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finnlabs • software architects, Berlin


Dorian Denes
feedback media, Stuttgart


G+J EMS, Germany, Austria, Switzerland
IDM, International (excluding Slovenia)


PONS Arabic-English Dictionary: © arabdict, Oldenburg, 2016.

PONS Bulgarian-English and Bulgarian-German Dictionaries: © Klett Bulgaria Ltd., Sofia 2017

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PONS German-Dutch Dictionary: Based on ©Middelgroot woordenboek Duits-Nederlands/Nederlands-Duits, Vandale Lexicografie b.v., Utrecht, Netherlands, 2009. All rights reserved.

PONS English-French Dictionary: Oxford Hachette French Dictionary, © Oxford University Press, 2007, 2016.
© PONS GmbH 2017.

PONS English-Spanish Dictionary: Oxford Spanish Dictionary, © Oxford University Press, 2008, 2016.
© PONS GmbH 2017.

PONS English-Italian Dictionary: Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary, © 2001, 2006, 2013, Pearson Italia, Milano Torino e Oxford University Press © PONS GmbH 2020.